Important Dates
Basketball Team Photos
🏀 Youth Basketball Team Photo Packages 🏀
Capture the Memories of the Season with Our Exclusive Photo Packages! 📸
Package 1: $25
• 1 Team Photo
• 1 Individual Player Photo
Package 2: $50
• 1 Team Photo
• 2 Basic Individual Player Photos
• 1 Family Photo
Order Today to Secure Your Spot!
For questions or more info, contact [ Elijah Randall /470-501-9383/Erandfilms@gmail.com]
*Team photos will be on Friday and Saturday.
Click the topic and more information will displayed.
There will be a skills test to determine your child’s ability. After the skills test a draft will be held to ensure the fairness of teams to the best of our ability.
For the beginners, we will conduct a developmental and instructional basketball league for boys and girls, ages 4 -14, in Smyrna. For our competitive players and teams, we will offer the opportunity for them to travel within the metropolitan area and play other competitive teams. Last season was very successful. Players, ages 4 & 5, play together. The six-year olds will play each other on various teams. Players, ages 7 & 8, play together. Players, ages 9 & 10, play together. Players, ages 11 & 12, play together. Players, ages 13 & 14, play together.
Players will be asked to remove all jewelry before practices and games. Players must play in their age group, based on their age as of September 1, 2017. Our goal is to teach each player the fundamentals of basketball, correctly. Using teaching aids, we will teach proper shooting form; how to play defense, offense and defensive positions; dribbling; passing; rebounding; how to line up at the free-throw line; how to play by the rules; and more. The basketball goals we will use for players, ages 4 & 5, are adjustable. Eddie Lee and the coaches will be raising the goals weekly or according to the players’ skill levels. Each player will get the opportunity to dribble the ball up the court.
Each week, the players will progress with the skills they have learned and eventually be able to play a full game. Games will be played in 4 six-minute quarters with a 1- hour time limit for players, ages 4-6. Player’s, ages 7 & 8, games will be played in 4 seven -minute quarters with a 1-hour time limit. Player’s, ages 9 & 10, games will be played in 4 seven -minute quarters with a 1-hour time limit. Each player is guaranteed two quarters. Player’s, ages 11 – 14, will play by middle school rules. The six-year olds will play on a 8 foot basketball goal with more emphasis on dribbling and not walking; passing; and offensive and defensive positioning. The seven- ten year olds will play on a regulated basketball goal with more emphasis on dribbling and not walking; passing; and proper defense positioning, zones, and "man to man" defenses. Passing and trapping will be allowed, if a team has a 20- point led. For 6 years old Division: Teams must get back on defense and pressing is not allowed. Teams can’t trap and must set-up in the paint not half- court. Teams can’t extend their zone past the 3- point line. The coach will receive 2 warnings after that the team will receive a technical foul.
Coaches are volunteers that will be trained by Eddie Lee Wilkins to ensure your child develops and learns proper basketball fundamentals.
Eddie Lee will train all volunteer coaches and they will all instruct, teach, and demonstrate the same techniques and drills to the players. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Eddie at 678-523-2934.
Players are placed on a team in their age division. You will notified of your child or children’ s team, practice and game times, and snack rotation list. Game and practice times and important dates can be viewed our website, www.elwfuturestars.com. On the schedule it lists if your team is the home or away team. If your child’s team is the home team, he/she will wear his/her jersey on the white side, and the away team will wear his/her jersey on the blue side.
Practice will be on Monday through Friday. Practices will be from 6-9pm. Practices will be one hour per age group. The youngest ages group will practice early. Practice time will be determined after registration is closed.
There will be 8 games in total and they will be held on Saturday’s. Players will receive a uniform at the start of the season. We will have referees. On game day, players should arrive 20 minutes before their game time. Players will play a total of eight games.
Each player will receive a reversible blue and white uniform. Jerseys should be tucked in before the players step on the court. If your child’s team is the home team, he/she will wear his/her jersey on the white side, and the away team will wear his/her jersey on the blue side. If a player wants to wear a shirt underneath his/her jersey, it must be a sleeveless tank, Under Armour type or short sleeve t- shirt. The under tank or shirt must be the same color as his/her jersey they’re wearing for the game. For example: visiting team wears blue jersey with a blue t- shirt or tank underneath. Cutoffs or long-sleeve shirts aren’t permitted. Hand wash uniform or wash on delicate cycle and don’t put it in the dryer. Parents are responsible for providing basketball shoes for their child.
Parents and players must conduct themselves in a positive sportsmanlike manner during the course of the games. If a player does not display good sportsmanship while in the game or on the bench, he/she will be removed from the game and/or will not be allowed to return for the remainder of the game. Any parent or spectator showing poor sportsmanship will be asked to leave the premises until the completion of the game.
We will need one parent per team to volunteer to be the Team Parent, Mom or Dad. If interested, please contact Eddie Wilkins on (678) 523-2934 or via email: theelwfuturestars@gmail.com
One time payment of $175 per child.
There is a $5 processing fee.
Cash App: $elwfuturestars